Tickets GELBART & DANE JOE, synth weirdness & creepy-pop in Berlin
little league shows & twintoe recs prsnt:

Tickets für GELBART & DANE JOE synth weirdness & creepy-pop 28.07.23 in Berlin, Schokoladen

Freitag 28.07.23
Einlass: 19:00, Beginn: 20:00
Schokoladen, Ackerstraße 169, 10115 Berlin

Tickets – GELBART & DANE JOE Berlin


little league shows & twintoe records prsnt:

GELBART /// exp jazzy synth weirdness
gelbart.bandcamp.com /// instagram.com/gelbart.gelbart/

& DANE JOE /// ambient / creepy-pop
danejoe.bandcamp.com /// instagram.com/danejoe_baby/

at Schokoladen. doors 19 uhr, concert starts 20 uhr. tickets at the doors and in pre-sale --> https://vvk.link/2q0o0mo 

after the show: DJ Frederik Schikowski.

GELBART --> After a year hiatus from solo shows, Berlin's prince of synthetic weirdness returns to the Schokoladen stage with brand new songs for computers and other gems for art students, tekno bunnies and vegetable supervillains.

DANE JOE --> ambient/creepy-pop using field recordings, electronic drums, spacy synths, distorted surf guitar and witchy vocals. Dark poetry with a soundscape mixed with samples of public transpiration and washing machines, along with half-danceable electro beats and heavy synth sound.

»Adi Gelbart is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist, composer, filmmaker and author. His lifelong obsession with creativity has so far resulted in more than 20 LPs and EPs of original music for electronics and chamber ensembles, numerous works of abstract and narrative animation, and most recently, a novel. A dive into Gelbart’s body of work uncovers a bizarre yet wholly consistent own world, a surrealist mirror-universe of sound and imagery that aims to combine the accessible with the complex.

Born in Tel-Aviv, Gelbart has been living and working in Berlin for the past eighteen years. His music appeared on many record labels, the latest being Felix Kubin’s Gagarin Records.«
